196. Oehmichen M, Meißner C, König HG (2000)
Brain injury after gunshot wounding:
Morphometric analysis of cell destruction caused by temporary cavitation.
J Neurotrauma 17: 155-162
197. Oehmichen M (2000)
Stand der Diskussion zur Präimplantationsdiagnostik in Deutschland.
Geburtsh Frauenheilk 60: M 17-M 19
198. Oehmichen M, Gerling I, Meißner C (2000)
Petechiae of the baby’s skin as differentiation symptom of infanticide versus SIDS.
J Forens Sci 45: 602-607
199. Oehmichen M, Meißner C (2000)
Natural death. Gerontology 46:105-110
200. Saternus K, Kernbach-Wighton G, Oehmichen M (2000)
The shaking trauma infants - kinetic chains.
Forensic Sci Int 109: 203-213
201. Rebolledo Godoy M, Rebolledo Godoy AP, Oehmichen M (2000)
AgNORs during the process of wound healing.
Int Legal Med 113: 244-246
202. Oehmichen M, Meißner C (2000) Life shortening and physician assistance in dying:
euthanasia from the viewpoint of german legal medicine.
Gerontology 46: 212-218
203. Oehmichen M (2000) Tod durch Feuer und Hyperthermie.
Rechtsmedizin 10: 81-85
204. Meissner C, Mohamed SA, Klueter H, Hamann K, von Wurmb N, Oehmichen M (2000)
Quantification of mitochondrial DNA in human blood cells using an automated detection system.
Forensic Sci Int 113: 109-112
205. Oehmichen M, Windisch A, Meissner C (2000)
Mononuclear cells in subcutaneous haemorrhage with special consideration of myeloid precursor cells.
Med Sci Law 40: 286-292
206. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2000)
Forensic neuropathological aspects of cerebral anoxia/ischemia and hypoxia/hypoxemia.
In Oehmichen M (ed) Brain hypoxia and ischemia.
Research in Legal Medicine, Vol 24, pp 13-25. Lübeck, Schmidt-Römhild
207. Meissner C, Schwark T, von Wurm N, Oehmichen M (2000)
Cerebellar mitochondrial DNA deletion associated with survival of prolonged ischemia.
In Oehmichen M (ed) Brain hypoxia and ischemia.
Research in Legal Medicine, Vol 24, pp 179-192. Lübeck, Schmidt-Römhild
208. Gerling I, Meissner C, Reiter A, Oehmichen M (2001)
Death from thermal effects and burns.
Forensic Sci Int 115: 33-41
209. Oehmichen M, Meißner C, König HG (2001)
Brain injury after survived gunshot to the head: reactive alterations at sites remote from the missile track.
Forensic Sci Int 115: 189-197
210. Oehmichen M, Schulz-Schaeffer W, Kretzschmar H, Theuerkauf I, Gerling I, Windl O, Meissner C (2001)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in a case of suspected chronic heavy metal poisoning.
Forens Sci 46: 278-283
211. Oehmichen M, Ochs U, Meissner C (2001)
Regional potassium distribution in the brain in forensic relevant types of intoxication preliminary
morphometric evaluation using a histochemical method.
Neurotoxicology 22: 99-107
219. Reiter A, Hake J, Meissner C, Rohwer J, Friedrich HJ, Oehmichen M (2001)
Time of drug elimination in chronic drug abusers.
Case study of 52 patients in a „low-step“ detoxification ward.
Forens Sci Int 119: 248-253
220. Rebolledo Godoy AP, Rebolledo Godoy M, Meissner C, Oehmichen M
(2001) Proliferative activity of epidermal basal cells after wounding.
Exp Toxic Pathol 53: 65-69
221. Koch A, Reiter A, Meissner C, Oehmichen M (2002)
Ursache des Todes von Heroinkonsumenten mit niedrigen Morphin-Konzentrationen im Blut.
Arch Kriminol 209: 76-87
222. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Higuchi R, Fenech AP, Elfstroem C, Meissner C, Oehmichen M, Cortopassi GA (2002)
Quantification of human mitochondrial DNA in a real time PCR.
Forensic Sci Int 126: 34-39
223. Meissner C, Recker S, Reiter A, Friedrich HJ, Oehmichen M (2002)
Fatal versus non-fatal heroin „overdose“:
blood morphine concentrations with fatal outcome in comparison to those of intoxicated drivers.
Forensic Sci Int 130: 49-54
224. Storm T, Rath S. Mohamed SA, Bruse P, Kowald A, Oehmichen M (2002)
Mitotic brain cells are just as prone to mitochondrial deletions as neurons:
a large-scale single-cell PCR study of the human caudate nucleus.
Exp Gerontol 37: 1389-1400
225. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Schwark T, Meissner C, Oehmichen M (2003)
Mitochondrial mutagenesis in the brain in forensic and pathological reseach.
Legal Medicine 5: 1-6
226. Oehmichen M, Walter T, Meissner C, Friedrich HJ (2003)
Time course of cortical hemorrhages after closed traumatic brain injury:
statistical analysis of posttraumatic histomorphological alterations.
J Neurotrauma 20: 87-103
227. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2003)
Avtice euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: the German discussion.
Legal Medicine 5: S20-S28
228. Kernbach-Wighton G, Oehmichen M, Saternus K-S (2003)
Fatal outcome of varicella in children.
Legal Medicine 5: S233-S236
229. Oehmichen M, Meissner C, von Wurmb-Schwark N, Schwark T (2003)
Methodical approach to brain hypoxia/ischemia as a fundamental problem in forensic neuropathology.
Legal Med 5: 190-201
230. Oehmichen M, Gehl HB, Meissner C et al (2003)
Forensic-pathological aspects of postmortem imaging of gunshot injury to the head:
documentation and biometric data. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 105: 570-580
231. Oehmichen M, Meissner C, von Wurm-Schwark N, Schwark T (2003)
Methodical approach to brain hypoxia/ischemia as a fundamental problem in forensic neuropathology.
Legal Medicine 5: 190-201
232. Mohamed SA, Wesch D, Blumenthal A, Bruse P, Windler K, Ernst M, Kabelitz D, Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2004)
Detection of the 4977 bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA in different human blood cells.
Experimental Gerontology 39: 181-188
233. Oehmichen M (2004)
Mord (und Selbstmord) bei Franz Kafka – Analyse der Erzählung „Ein Brudermord“.
Neue Jur Wschr 57: 549-555
234. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Schwark T, Harbeck M, Oehmichen M (2004)
A simple duplex-PCR to evaluate the DNA quality of anthropological and forensic samples prior short tandem repeat typing.
Legal Medicine 6: 80-88
235. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Schwark T, Christiansen L, Lorenz D, Oehmichen M (2004)
The use of different multiplex PCRs for twin zygosity determination and its application in forensic trace analysis.
Legal Medicine 6: 125-130
236. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Simeoni E, Ringleb A, Oehmichen M (2004)
Genetic investigation of modern burned corpses.
International Congress Series 1261: 50-52
237. Oehmichen M (2004) Vitality and time course of wounds.
Forensic Sci Int 144: 221-231
238. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Simeoni E, Oehmichen M, Lignitz E, Lüdcke C, Repenning A, Poetsch M (2004)
Abstammungsbegutachtungen in Defizienzfällen mit verwandten Putativvätern:
eine simulierte Analyse in 27 Familien. Arch Kriminol 214: 173-183
239. Oehmichen M, Meissner C, König HG, Gehl HB (2004)
Gunshot injuries to the head and brain caused by low-velocity handguns and rifles. A review.
Forensic Sci Int 146: 111-120
240. Harbeck M, Ritz-Timme S, Schröder I, Oehmichen M, von Wurmb-Schwarck N (2004)
Degradation von Biomolekülen:
Eine vergleichende Studie zur Diagenese von DNA und Proteinen in humanem Knochengewebe.
Anthrop Anz 62: 387-396
241. Oehmichen M (2005) Der Hirntod als Grundlage für eine Organexplantation.
Focus MUL 22: 84-85
242. Kuhn J, Meissner C, Oehmichen M (2005)
Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) –
a promising approach to diagnosis of forensic types of hypoxia-ischemial Acta Neuropathol
(Berl) 110: 579-586
243. Oehmichen M, Meissner C, Saternus K-S (2005)
Fall or shaken: Traumatic brain injury in children caused by falls or abuse at home –
A review on biomechanics and diagnosis.
Neuropediatrics 36: 240-245
244. Frahm T, Mohamed S A, Bruse P, Gemünd C, Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2005)
Lack of age-related increase of mitochondrial DNA amount in brain, skeletal muscle and human heart.
Mech Ageing Develop 126: 1192-1200
245. Poetsch M, Ludcke C, Repenning A, Fischer L, Malyusz V, Simeoni E, Lignitz E, Oehmichen M, von Wurmb-Schwark N (2006)
The problem of single parent/child paternity analysis – Practical results involving 336 children and 348 unrelated men.
Forensic Sci Int 159: 98-103
246. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2006)
Das “natürliche” Altern und der “natürliche” Tod – Genetische Anlage oder Folge von Umwelteinflüssen?
Focus MUL 23: 46-52
247. Meissner C, Bruse P, Oehmichen M (2006)
Tissue-specific deletion patterns of the mitochondrial genome with advancing age.
Exp Gerontol 41: 518-524
248. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2006) Cerebral hypoxia and ischemia:
The forensic point of view. A Review.
J Forensic Sci 51: 880-887
249. Landeghem FK, Weiss, T, Oehmichen M, Deimling AV (2006)
Decreased expression of glutamate transporters in astrocytes after human traumatic brain injury.
J Neurotrauma 23: 1518-1528
250. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2007)
Das “natürliche” Altern und der “natürliche” Tod.
Schleswig-Holsteinsches Ärzteblatt 60 (3): 65-71
251. Malyusz V, Schmidt M, Simeoni E, Poetsch M, Schwark T, Oehmichen M, von Wurmb-Schwark N (2007)
Significance of additional RFLP single locus probes analysis after STR-based determination of sibship.
Arch Kriminol 220: 25-35
252. von Wurmb-Schwark N, Ringleb A, Schwark T, Broese T, Weirich S, Schlaefke D, Wegener R, Oehmichen M (2008)
The effect of chronic alcohol consumptionon mitochondrial DANN mutagenesis in human blood.
Mutat Res 637: 73-79
252. Oehmichen M, Hennig R, Meissner C (2008)
Near-drowning and clinical laboratory changes.
Legal Med 10: 1-5
253. Oehmichen M, Schleiss D, Pedal I, Saternus K-S, Gerling I, Meissner C (2008)
Shaken baby syndrome: re-examination of diffuse axonal injury as a cause of death.
Acta Neuropathol 116: 317-329
254. Meissner C, Bruse P, Mohamed SA, Schulz A, Warnk H, Storm T, Oehmichen M (2008)
The 4977bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA in human skeletal muscle, heart and different areas of the brain:
a useful biomarker or more? Exp Gerontol 43: 645-652
255. Oehmichen M, Woetzel F, Meissner C (2009)
Hypoxic-ischemic changes in SIDS brains as demonstrated by a reduction in MAP2-reactive neurons.
Acta Neuropathol 117: 267-274
256. Oehmichen M, Jakob S, Mann S, Saternus K_S, Pedal I, Meissner C (2009)
Macrophage subsets in mechanical brain injury (MBI).
A contribution to timing of MBI based on immunohistochemical methods: a pilot study.
Legal Med 11: 118-124
257. Walter T, Meissner C, Oehmichen M (2009)
Pathomorphological staging of subdural hemorraghes:
statistical analysis of posttraumatic histomorphological alterations.
Legal Med Suppl 1: S56-S62
258. Oehmichen M, Meissner C (2009)
Routine techniques in forensic neuropathology as demonstrated by gunshot injury to the head.
Legal Med Suppl 1: S50-S53
259. Oehmichen M, Gronski T, Meissner C, Anlauf M, Schwark T (2009)
Mast cell reactivity at the margin of human skin wounds: an early cell marker of wound survival?
Forensic Sci Int 191: 1-5